Cultural Industry

As the key project of Zhujiang Brewery’s cultural industry, Zhujiang Brewery’s Headquarter Development & Construction Project was launched in August 2015 and has been under transformation and construction based on its former factory with its orientation of building an internationalized and innovative urban complex. With its total construction area about 260,000m2 and total investment over 5 billion yuan, the Headquarter is located in the core position of Guangzhou Artificial Intelligence & Digital Economy Pilot Zone at the southern bank of the Pearl River, adjacent to Zhujiang New Town and International Financial Center across the river.

Beer Museum

Beer Museum

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Water Tower

Water Tower

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Packing House

Packing House

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Serviced Apartment & Hotel

Serviced Apartment & Hotel

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Office Building

Office Building

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Cultural Square

Cultural Square

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Malt Warehouse

Malt Warehouse

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Media Space

Media Space

媒棚(Media Space)是由二四六天空彩944cc厂储运燃煤仓库改造而成的新型多功能展示媒体空间,层高16米,建筑面积1420平方米,在保留了原始工业风貌的基础上,丰富展览、演艺功能
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Zhujiang Party Pier

Zhujiang Party Pier

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2018年4月正式发布总部开发建设项目商业品牌——啤酒廠(Beer Cube)。【啤酒廠】不仅酿造啤酒,还输出啤酒文化,融合啤酒文化、文创、商旅等创新元素,保留、改造、升级具有工业历史意义的建筑。旧改物业通过保留工业文化遗产,采取“修旧如旧”的改造方式,充分利用保留的工业建筑特色,突出二四六天空彩944cc文化特色。新建配套物业采用新旧混搭的新锐设计,融入粤港澳大湾区建设大局。立足琶洲人工智能与数字经济产业集群,高起点规划、高标准建设,打造镌刻城市工业历史、传承城市时尚文化、展示城市智慧发展的重要载体。集总部经济、商务办公、休闲娱乐、旅游观光于一体的创新型城市综合体,将为新经济提供自由开放的创新空间,致力于成为广州城市新名片。  
26+ 万平方米
50+ 亿元

News Brewery

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